
Are you Scottish? Prove it

Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty
Picture: Jeff J Mitchell/Getty

The Scottish referendum for independence two years ago re-ignited the debate around what it means to be "Scottish".

The EU referendum result this summer has plunged Scotland into an identity crisis once more. Despite the fact that the majority of Scottish people voted to stay in the EU, Brexit has put the country at odds with the rest of the UK, sparking new discussions about independence and identity.

A YouGov poll this week asked the Scottish public what made someone Scottish. Was it birth right? Or is simply living there enough?

We’ve devised a simple quiz to test your Scottishness, based on the poll:

It turns out the people of Scotland place special emphasis on birthright and extended living in their country as markers of Scottish identity.

Picture: YouGov

More: The wonderful note Nicola Sturgeon sent to refugees as they arrived in Scotland

More: Here's how Scotland would look under a purely PR system

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