
Mind bending optical illusion sees numbers change before your eyes

Mind bending optical illusion sees numbers change before your eyes
Playing card optical illusion has been staring you in the face your ...

An optical illusion that has gone viral on TikTok has people questioning what they are seeing happening right in front of their very eyes.

The illusion shared by Taylor Nikolai has already been viewed more than 1.3 million times and involves just two digital depictions of the numbers '03' and '20.'

In the clip, Nikolai says: "This is going to blow your mind, I don't know how this works. You see 03 and 20. Now flip your phone upside down and watch them change."

Sure enough, if you flip your screen around the two numbers seemingly change place and are in the opposite positions to which they were before.

"How does your brian do that?" Nikolai yells after the perplexing illusion is revealed to the viewers.

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Nikolai suggested in the caption to the story: "Your brain changes the numbers…"


Your brain changes the numbers… 😳 #opticalillusions #opticalillusion #illusion #illusions #mindblown #mindblowing

However, in the comments, not everyone was convinced by this explanation. "It's the way the numbers are pixilated," wrote one person.

Another added: "It’s written a specific way you can see it already before you flip your phone"

A third said: "one pixel in the center is offset on purpose to trick your brain"

Others were just completely blown away by what they had just seen.

"What just happened?" one surprised person said.

A second added: "FOR EVERYONE THAT DOESNT KNOW WHATS GOING ON: I don't know either...."

A third chimed in: ""I didn't see it at first but when I looked away and then looked at it again, I saw it."

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