
Is drinking a teaspoon of semen every morning (like this woman) actually good for you?

Is drinking a teaspoon of semen every morning (like this woman) actually good for you?

There are some diet trends that are too extreme to follow.

Personal trainer and nutritional adviser Tracy Kiss is a vegan who has been consuming ‘healthy’ smoothies every morning. They contain bananas, almond milk and an assortment of seeds.

Oh, and a teaspoonful of sperm.

No, she’s not joking.

Kiss, who revealed her “secret ingredient” in a YouTube video, claims that ingesting sperm has a number of health benefits, including 200 different kinds of proteins, calcium, magnesium and a number of vitamins and minerals...

Picture: Tracy Kiss/YouTube

Kiss says that a male friend, who is clear of STIs and diseases, has been providing a steady supply of semen.

For women, claims Kiss, drinking sperm can act as an antidepressant.

But how much truth is there to her claims?

Jo Travers, a registered dietitian and author of The Low-Fad Diet begs to differ. She told indy100:

I can’t find any evidence that there is a significant amount of B12 in semen. The only reliable way for vegans to get enough B12 is to eat fortified foods such as soya milks or to take a supplement.

Semen is quite high in zinc, but you’d have to drink a double shot to get your requirements - or you could eat some nuts and seeds which also contain good fats, other important micronutrients and some protein and taste nice.

The protein quantity of semen is about five per cent (dependent on the donor's diet, age, health etc) so there are loads of better ways for vegans to get protein such as from soya products, beans and legumes.

HT Metro

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