
People are pointing out that Boris Johnson's latest lockdown 'easing' applies only to the rich

Despite the UK holding the dubious honour of having the highest daily death rate in the world from coronavirus, the government is slowly announcing measures to ease lockdown.

The latest plan was unveiled in yesterday’s daily briefing and allows up to six people in gardens and “other private spaces” (like what? Public toilets?).

“I know the toll the lockdown has taken on families and friends," said the prime minister.

He continued:

So from Monday, we will allow up to six people to meet outside... we will now allow people to meet in gardens and other private outdoor spaces. 

But I must stress that to control the virus, everybody needs to stay alert, act responsibly, strictly observe social distancing rules and stay two metres apart from those you do not live with.

The latter set of instructions has led some people to point out an obvious flaw in the plan: what if your garden isn’t big enough to allow social distancing or, worse, doesn’t exist?

One in eight British households are reported by the Office of National Statistics to have no access to a shared or private garden.

There’s a racial disparity in access too; black people are nearly four times as likely as white people not to have a garden or outdoor space they can use.

This fact hasn’t gone unnoticed; people are calling Johnson’s new rule “first class privilege”.

People were angry.

The Tories were accused of “protecting their own”.

Someone even pointed out that the theory of six degrees of separation could pose major problems for virus spread.

And then there were some who were utterly confused about why six people had to stay two metres apart, but 15 children from different households could be in a classroom all day.

Anyone up for a six person day trip to Barnard Castle?

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