Indy100 Staff
Jan 05, 2017
Picture: Able Maew/Facebook/screengrab
Meet Able:
Picture: Able Maew/Facebook
He lost his two front legs, along with his tail when he was trying to catch a bird, and fell off the roof onto an electric transformer.
Despite the shock taking away two of his legs, he remains a happy, active kitty. He can climb the stairs, jump around and play with toys.
Able’s owner, who wished to remain anonymous, told Coconutsthat the decision to adopt him didn't happen immediately.
I first saw Able when I came back to my condo, and first I offered to pay for his vet visits, but the hairdresser told me there was nothing else they can do.
The hairdresser who had found Able couldn't look after him, and during a second visit to the vet, they decided that amputating both of his front legs was necessary, given the extensive burns.
Spending his time on the streets, his owner eventually took pity on him.
One night, it was raining, and I walked out of my condo to check on him. I saw him reluctantly dragging himself outside the roof to pee. That’s when I decided to take him in.
Able's comrade, Fin Fin, can't use her hind legs:
That doesn't stop her from, on occasion, annoying Able).
HT Coconuts
More: 'Saddest cat in the world' that nobody wanted has been adopted - and look how great he looks now
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