
People from around the world are sharing shocking images of empty shops due to coronavirus stockpiling

Michael Drummond/PA

Shocking images of empty shelves in shops are being shared on social media as people rush to supermarkets to panic buy food and goods.

Stockpiling fever has seemingly taken control despite the British government advising against doing so.

Restrictions have reportedly been relaxed allowing for shops to stock up on basic items but images from the UK and North America show that some shops are already completely empty, void of even cans of soup.

It's not just the UK and North America either. Here are images from around Europe.

And Australia.

Perhaps, it's time to start supporting smaller independent shops on a more regular basis?

Also, it might be worth sparing a thought for those who are trying to stop the spread of COVID-19. They need food as well.

Some stores in the UK have moved to restricting the sale of essential items and household goods per customer, while Boris Johnson has urged people to act responsibly.

I am confident we have fantastic supply chains. It is very important that everybody should behave responsibly and think about others.

The government has also said that if anyone is in self-isolation then it is OK to have friends, family or delivery drivers drop items off to their homes but only to the doorstep.

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