
David Cameron's awful legacy as prime minister - in one chart

Picture: BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images
Picture: BEN STANSALL/AFP/Getty Images

Wednesday is the last day of David Cameron's term as prime minister of the United Kingdom, after a quicker-than-expected transition of power to home secretary Theresa May.

Cameron's legacy will forever be dominated by his decision to hold a referendum on membership of the EU, the full consequences of which are yet to be understood.

It will also be remembered for the Conservative adherence to austerity, policies hitting the poorest and most vulnerable, whilst slashing taxes for the rich.

Miriam Brett of the SNP reminded people earlier today of one of the most damning stats about Cameron's time in office.

According to the Trussell Trust, when Cameron became PM in 2010, 61,500 emergency food packages were relied on by desperate people.

In 2015-2016, when he ignominiously resigned, that figure swelled to more than 1.1million

Graphic: The Trussell Trust

Put simply:

The main reasons families gave for relying on the food bank was benefit delays (27.95 per cent of respondents) and low income (23.31 per cent).

Data: The Trussell Trust

While the government frequently points to the UK's current record low unemployment levels as a sign our economy had recovered well from the 2008 financial crash, research from the University of Hull suggests that there is an emerging correlation between foodbank use and areas with high numbers of people in skilled manual work, suggesting wages are not keeping up with the cost of living.

indy100 contacted the Department of Work and Pensions for comment, who said:

Reasons for food bank use are complex so it is misleading to link them to any one issue. Household incomes are at a record high, we’re continuing to spend around £90 billion a year on working age benefits to ensure a strong safety net for those who need it most, and the vast majority of benefits are processed on time.

Picture: Dan Kitwood/Getty Images

More: Cheerio, Dave. These were the 20 worst things you did as prime minister

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