
Woman who died and 'went to heaven' says she now knows when Armageddon will happen

Woman who died and 'went to heaven' says she now knows when Armageddon will happen
Woman Spent 3Days in Heaven; REVEALS Humanity's FUTURE! Will Leave U SPEECHLESS! (NDE)

A published author and YouTuber who claims to have spent “three days in heaven” following a suicide attempt has revealed what she “learned” about the future while in the afterlife.

Julie Poole, a self-styled “personal empowerment coach and energy healer” now helps others to engage with their spirituality, but life has not always been kind to her.

Poole, who is also a qualified hypnotherapist, claims that, from a young age, she suffered “a lot of trauma” and later endured crippling PTSD.

Speaking to theLife after Life NDE YouTube channel last month, Poole said that she had suffered “very unpleasant and traumatic incident” as a young child, and that she continued to endure cycles of abuse all throughout her teens.

Then, when she was 21, “after something like 15 years of abuse, physically, mentally, sexually, emotionally,” she was left “an absolutel wreck” and decided she could no longer live with her feelings of anxiety, depression and “self-disgust”.

As a result, she took a “massive overdose” of prescription drugs and went to bed expecting that she would die.

However, instead, she said: “I suddenly saw my guides and my angels around me and then they lifted me up, and took me up to the higher realms.

“I just remember saying 'I'm going home' and they said 'No you're not, it's not your time'."

Julie Poole said she woke up in the 'angelic realm' after attempting to take her own life(Life After Life NDE/YouTube)

Poole recounted how she spent three days in this “angelic realm”, where her hosts “healed her” and told her that, in the second half of her life she would “find enormous peace and help enormous amounts of people.”

She then suggested that people have only truly started “awakening” to the spiritual world in the past 20 years, and that, while she was in heaven, her guides told her why this was.

Poole said the “forecasters” promised her that between 2012 and 2032

These spirits then allegedly told her: "We did warn you it would be too hard and too overwhelming, and now here you are at 21 trying to check out."

Poole said she returned to her normal earthly body three days later but remembers the last few words she received from these otherworldly beings.

She said they promised her that between 2012 and 2032 the world would go through a 20-year period called the “breaking open of the Golden Age,” which would come after 2032.

She said this “Golden Age” would see people “living from a place of love, insightfulness, self-awareness, compassion and kindness”, and “moving into more truth and openness”.

However, they allegedly warned her: “Will the world be utopia in 2032? No.

“What we mean by the Golden Age is that for millennia now there has been an enormous amount of power, abuse and control and repression and suppression and corruption and greed, and all of that has been held by the few and has controlled the masses.

“This Golden Age is bringing an equality across the board, so that [everything] which is false and fake and untrue and corrupt will fall away.”

And, they apparently said, “for it to fall away, the light needs to be shone on it.”

In other words, Poole explained, we are approaching “the day of reckoning”. Or, if you prefer, “Armageddon is coming up”.

According to Poole, Armageddon is less than 10 years away(iStock)

And so what does this mean for all of us?

Well, according to the spiritual healer, the years 2024 and 2025 will be a “tipping point” where we’ve reached the “halfway mark”.

This means we’ll start to see more corrupt people being held to account and see more and more people “coming up into the light”.

“So things are shifting and we're going to see more of that in 2024 and 2025 and it'll feel a little bit chaotic,” she continued.

“But please trust that it's all to blast open that which needs to be seen so that it can be released and healed. And by the time we get through to 2032, we'll find everything settling down into a newer way.”

She also added that over the next six to eight years, we’ll start seeing more and more alien sightings as it becomes harder for “the powers that be” to hide their activity.

“Please don't fear [these extraterrestrials],” she said. “These beings that come from far-away galaxies with incredible technology are not here to hurt us, they are here to help us. They are also here to protect us.

“If they feel that we are, for example, getting outta control with being trigger happy with nuclear stuff, they will come in and they will stop it. They will not let us blow ourselves up. They will not let us destroy this planet. They will step in.”

She added: “I particularly think there's going to be some sightings early in 2025.

She concluded with an added dose of optimism, telling viewers: “For those of you who are younger, I promise you by the time you get to 2040-2050, this is gonna be such a better world [sic].

“So when we are going through these changes, you can either see it as something to be feared or you can see it as the dawn of the Golden Age.”

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