Harriet Marsden
Nov 07, 2016

Screenshot / Instagram (kirbyjenner)
Kendall Jenner is one of social media's biggest stars. Kirby Jenner, who edits himself into the model's Instagram posts, now isn't far behind.
If Kendall Jenner is a sort of Kardashian, then this Instagram star is a sort of sort of Kardashian.
The account, which already boasts 400,000 followers, has nothing but pictures of the so called "fraternal twin of Kendall Jenner" inserted into the model's most famous posts, with hilarious captions.
While his editing / PhotoShop skills are clearly unparalleled, the man behind the posts describes himself to indy100 as "an amateur model":
I'm slowly working my way up the modeling ladder to become a semi-pro model. SO much work!!
Lots of people don't know it, but the modeling world is kinda like a video game and has a really strict system where you've gotta acquire “Fashion Points” and bonuses and stuff.
So I'm still at Amateur but after a couple more runway shows I'll be Semi-Pro, then Pro, then Super Pro, then Super Model. I also work part time at a Sonic, but that’s just for fun and mainly cause my friend Bryce works there.
If it's not obvious yet, he answers all questions "in character".
When asked why he chose Kendall Jenner specifically, he had this to say:
Oh well I guess our mom's belly chose me and Kendall to be twins? Yuck! LOL! But I'm pretty lucky to have Kendall as my twin because we share all the same interests in boardgames, vegetables and fun ways to spend our weekends.
Just this past weekend both Kendall and I decided to count to three and then say out loud how we wanted to spend our afternoon, and we BOTH said, “BUILD A TINY HOUSE OUT OF OLD JOHN GRISHAM BOOKS!!” Crazy right?! It's like we're psychically linked.
We didn't have any John Grisham books though smh.
We also wondered, like the rest of the internet, what editing program he used to make the pictures...
I guess life is kind of like an editing program, you know?? I don't mean to get overly deep or whatever, but WHO are WE? You know??? Like WHY are we??? ARE we edited? WHY are WE edited???? Sometimes I just sit and hold my breath for a while and then when I finally exhale I get a head rush and feel completely in control. And then I go watch TV and eat a pudding.
I’m sorry, what was the question again?
And, finally, what it was like to go viral...
Like the flu? I had the flu last year and Kanye locked me in a closet because he didn't want to get sick before going on tour. It was pretty fun though because I had a glow-in-the-dark Yo-Yo with me and got to work on my Yo-Yo tricks. He would also slip pieces of pita bread under the door so I didn't starve (aww!). And you know what? It totally cured me!
I know Yeezy likes doing music or whatever but he's a REALLY dope dad. He should be a Dr. Dad one day. Dope Dr. Dad!!! Wait, I'm gunna go copyright that brb.
He forgot to add 'comic genius' into that Twitter bio.
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