
Students secretly practise song for a month to surprise their teacher before he marries his husband

Students in a school in Michigan, America, made their teacher cry after they sang a Beatles song about love to him and his husband,

The video was posted on the Hingham Public Schools’ Facebook page and showed teacher Christopher Landis crying as his students sang The Beatles’ 'All You Need Is Love' for him and Joe Michienzie, his then-fiancé.

His students crashed his wedding rehearsal to sing him the song.

The video was taken at Tavern on the Wharf in Plymouth, Massachusetts, on 21 December, but people can’t seem to stop talking about the cute footage, which has been viewed almost one million times.

Talking to Huffington Post about it, he said: “I saw the first student come in and I was like, ‘Oh my goodness,’ but I don’t think it hit me until all of these students came in and they were smiling and all dressed up.

Then I started crying and they started crying.

The song had been organised by mothers Joy Foraste and Margit Foley, who wanted to do something nice for Landis when they found out he was getting married.

“He’s the best teacher, and he’s got a great energy,” they told the New York Times.

The children in his class rehearsed the song secretly for a month before they surprised him.

Landis revealed that up until the performance, he would often refer to his fiancé in front of the students as his “friend” because he didn’t know if their relationship would be accepted.

Since then, he has decided to refer to Michienzie as his husband. He said:

There might be a student in that choir that could be struggling at home [or] at school.

To see the love that was in that room lets them know that everything’s going to be OK.

Oh, these? They're happy tears.

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