Bryony Clarke
May 14, 2017

Marco Bertorello - WPA Pool/Getty Images
She is a prime minister more revered for her “strong and stable” leadership than her personality and charisma.
Which, as these four interview answers attest, is just as well for Theresa May.
The Tory leader was answering a 'quick fire' round of questions in an interview with Tim Shipman in the Sunday Times.
Mrs May was reticent about whether she preferred Sherlock or Midsomer Murders, admitting only that she had watched both.
On the delicate subject of whether she’d rather drink whiskey or wine, she was even more cautious, saying, “It depends on the circumstances.”
Nor would she be drawn into the heels or flats debate, despite being known for her bold footwear choices.
Mrs May even refused to say if she favoured Indian or Chinese takeaways, saying, “I cook – I don’t eat takeaways.”
In the main interview, published today, political editor Tim Shipman asked the prime minister if she was prepared to stand up to the Eurosceptics in her Cabinet, and avoid an extreme hard Brexit.
Mrs May responded with her usual clarity:
We are going to go into a negotiation and a negotiation is a negotiation.
Which, as Shipman says, “makes ‘Brexit means Brexit’ look profound”.
The prime minister also fielded some tough questions from schoolchildren in the interview.
When sixth former Flora Gault asked what was on her bucket list, Mrs May replied: “I genuinely don’t have a bucket list.”
Asked by 19-year-old Alasdair Butler who her favourite artist was, she picked English painter Stanley Spencer – a safe choice given he was born and brought up in her Berkshire constituency of Maidenhead.
Alasdair’s next question was whether the prime minister had ever changed her views because of a novel. Mrs May opted for John Boyne’s 2006 novel The Boy in Striped Pyjamas, as it “brought home the absolute horror of the Holocaust” – which begs the question what her view of the Holocaust was before.
Naturally, her inane answers have attracted some criticism on social media, with some believing the interview to be a parody, while others declared her the most boring prime minister ever.
For some however, her careful answers are evidence of her tact and diplomacy.
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