Greg Evans
May 24, 2020

People bask in the sunshine in Castle Park, Bristol (BEN BIRCHALL/PA)
Who doesn't enjoy a good sofa day? Tucked up with a duvet and your favourite TV series.
During the coronavirus pandemic, we've all become experts at staying indoors (well, apart from certain government advisers, that is...)
Anyway, it turns out that (surprise, surprise) the sun is truly good for your health.
As Life Noggin explains in the below video, fresh air and daylight give you a good dose of vitamin D.
While, many vitamins can be obtained via food and drink, vitamin D is absorbed by your skin through sunshine.
If you aren't getting enough yays then you'll be definitely lacking those key nutrients, unless you are consuming a considerable amount in your diet.
You might be asking why do I need so much vitamin D? My skin looks ok to me. Well, vitamin D helps keep your bones strong and can help protect you against diabetes and cardiovascular diseases.
Poor amounts of the vitamin in your system may lead to bad bone health.
Beyond nutrients, the sun can improve your overall mood and can even lower blood pressure as the sun alters nitric oxide in your blood.
Lower blood pressure, means less chance of heart disease.
There are some setbacks to the sun though, such as obvious things like sunburn and over exposure to natural light, which can damage the skins immune system.
Ultraviolet rays are also an issue so make sure you are properly protected if you are going outside to enjoy the hot ball of glowing gas in the sky.
Wear sunscreen.
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