
Woman shocked after being asked to share bed on company trip

Woman shocked after being asked to share bed on company trip

A TikToker has shared her shock after being asked to share a bed on a company trip.

The woman, who goes by @co.letter on TikTok, said that HR had asked all employees on the trip to Paris whether they wanted to share a room with one bed.

In the video, the woman claimed that HR wrote in the email to her: “You will notice in the survey that you have the option to share a room with a colleague, be advised that at present booking status, there is only one bed in the room.”

She said: “I had to read the email like three times over.”

The woman added in a state of disbelief: “That was an option... Suggested, encouraged - HR was like typing that up, sending it, drinking their glass of wine.”

She also said that the HR department must either be “bored or they wanna save money”.

TikTok user Barrett Adair reposted the clip and claimed she also had the same experience in a previous job.


This was a stitch but idk what happened #travel #hotel #work #worktravel #worktrip

The video sparked a lot of reaction in the comments section with one writing: "I don’t think that’s legal!"

Another commented: "If I have to share a room with a coworker or boss, those are hours I bill for."

“Me and my wife have our own rooms AIN'T NO WAY I'm sharing a room with a coworker,” one said.

“Yeah we’re not even sharing rooms on a damn work trip,” a user commented.

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