
Lump of crystal meth found inside traveller’s breakfast burrito

Lump of crystal meth found inside traveller’s breakfast burrito

Airport security at an airport in Houston, Texas found a lump of crystal meth smuggled inside a traveller’s breakfast burrito, during a routine X-ray of carry-on luggage, earlier this month.

Spotting that the bulging burrito looked a bit different than usual, security asked the traveller to unwrap it, whereupon they noticed “black tape and dark wrapping around a large organic mass,” they said in a statement.

The traveller had initially been unwilling to comply with security’s request, and insisted it was just an egg, cheese and meat wrap.

But Houston Police confirmed the extra filling was meth, which we suspect cost even more to add to the burrito than even guacamole.

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Houston Press said the burrito might have actually been from airport outlet Pappas Bar-B-Q - their menu does not include crystal meth.

And the unnamed person is not the only person to attempt to smuggle meth across the States.

In January, authorities at Orlando International Airport in Florida arrested a man named Eli Brown who was heading to Kentucky with 22 bags of the drug. The bags were wrapped in clothing, not egg, cheese and meat, however.

In another statement, airport security pondered how the person made it to security without eating the burrito:

But a person on Twitter reacting to the statement said that the food didn’t even look nice:

We can’t decide what is worse, smuggling drugs, or eating a sandwich containing egg in an unventilated plane.

You be the judge.

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