
Donald Trump's campaign manager appears to have been taking French lessons from Del Boy Trotter

Donald Trump's campaign manager appears to have been taking French lessons from Del Boy Trotter

In spite, or perhaps because, of his increasingly extreme outbursts on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has continued his position as the front-running Republican in the presidential race.

With a candidate who has advocated a complete ban on Muslim immigration to the US, labelled Mexican migrants as "rapists" and talked up his "foolproof" plan to defeat Isis, it may come as no surprise that some of Trump's team of advisers are also slightly 'out there'.

This weekend, ahead of the fifth republican debate which will be held in Las Vegas on Tuesday, it emerged that Trump's campaign adviser appears to have been taking French lessons from Only Fools and Horses' Del Boy Trotter.

Corey Lewandowski, who has been working for Trump since 2014, attacked his Republican rival Ted Cruz, who has surged up the polls, as the "flavor du jour of the week..."

...which translates to "flavour of the day of the week".

Mange tout, Corey. Mange tout.

More: David Mitchell just made a very sensible point about Donald Trump's politics

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