
Someone gave Stephen Crabb's Wikipedia page an evil new edit

Someone gave Stephen Crabb's Wikipedia page an evil new edit

Stephen Crabb has been named as the new work and pensions secretary, replacing Iain Duncan Smith who resigned on Friday night in protest at the government's proposed cuts to disability benefits.

Mr Duncan Smith was a divisive figure in his six years in the job and was deeply unpopular in some quarters for overseeing deep cuts in the welfare budget to enable the government's austerity agenda - but even he said more cuts to disabled people in a Budget that benefitted higher earners was a "compromise too far".

Following the announcement of the reshuffle, which also sees Alun Cairns appointed as Welsh secretary, Mr Crabb's Wikipedia page went through 33 revisions between 10.15 and 10.58 on Saturday morning...

It appeared that someone had been repeatedly trying to label him as the 'Grim Reaper for the Sick & Disabled'

More: Here are 15 cuts and failures Iain Duncan Smith didn't resign over

More: What Iain Duncan Smith was actually cheering about in that gif

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