
People are sharing the weirdest things they’ve found in terms and conditions

People are sharing the weirdest things they’ve found in terms and conditions
Getty Images/iStock

It’s in the interest of companies to keep terms and conditions as long and dry as possible.

But for that brave minority who battle through the small print, unlikely rewards can be lurking round the corner.

One Reddit user asked the internet about the sneakiest things they'd ever seen and the responses didn't disappoint.

As one fellow Redditer pointed out, the devil's in the details.

Someone clearly had a song stuck in their head.

One employee's job contract was apparently out of this world.

Of course there was a rent-related surprise.

And a diver who really loved ducks.

Let's hope this law teacher's pupils get some pleasant surprises.

More: Divers are sharing the scariest things they've seen underwater

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