
The one font you should never, ever use on your CV (and the fonts you should)

The one font you should never, ever use on your CV (and the fonts you should)

Looking for a new job? Inspired by this Bloomberg piece, asked CV expert Mildred Talabi for what fonts to use on your CV.

When it comes to bad fonts for your CV, I don't have a list, just one MAJOR culprit - Times New Roman! Avoid this like the plague! Nothing says 'I haven't updated my CV in ten years' more than the Times New Roman font and that's definitely not the message you want to be sending out to employers.

Other more acceptable "cleaner, fresher, modern" fonts include:

But one more piece of advice: "Stay away from Arial - it's not quite at the Times New Roman extinct CV level yet, but it's getting there quickly."

More: These are the 10 most annoying CV mistakes

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