
These are some of Britain's most stylish waiters

These are some of Britain's most stylish waiters

Apropos of nothing, we proudly present some of the country's best dressed waiters.

Spring, London WC2

(Modelled by Abbie and Sanju)

(Modelled by Mattia and Atanas)

The younger staff designed everything in their spare time. They loved the idea of designing a uniform. We met with them and they asked about the different staff positions and for a list of their duties: whether they had to bend, who'd be carrying things, what they needed to carry, whether they had docket pads or corkscrews, etc. It was a very collaborative process. It took about a year to get it right, from those initial meetings to fruition.

  • Marie Jackson, Spring director of operations

The Ethicurean, Bristol

(Modelled by Jack)

Generally, the staff can wear what they want, along with a work apron. There's never been a particular hierarchy, even in the kitchen. We come up with all the dishes through big group discussions and it's the same with the drinks. Reflecting that, staff are encouraged to wear what they want but there's an overarching style that everyone tends to adopt. That just says more about similar interests and aesthetics. If anything, I'm probably a little bit smarter than most but only because that's me.

  • Jack Adair-Bevan, co-owner, the Ethicurean

Café Murano, London SW1

(Modelled by Eleonora)

I think staff in restaurant uniforms can often seem overdressed. When uniforms are conceived, it's often for the dashing six-foot waiter and the size-six waitress, and that's not real life.

  • Zoe Charlton-Brown, general manager of Café Murano

The American Bar at the Savoy, WC2

(Modelled by Erik)

Mad Men was the design brief and inspiration behind the bespoke uniform. The design team drew from the radical era of the Sixties, resulting in slick, fitted suits and a monochrome palette, encompassing the iconic white jacket that has become part of the American Bar's heritage.

  • Erik Lorincz, head bartender, the American Bar at the Savoy

All pictures via Rick Pushinsky

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