
YouTube paraglider shares details of horrific injuries that almost ‘ended his life’

YouTube paraglider shares details of horrific injuries that almost ‘ended his life’
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A YouTube paraglider has opened up about the horrific accident that almost “ended his life” after suffering life changing injuries.

For some people, the adrenaline rush of skydiving out of a plane or gliding through the air is a major thrill. But when things go wrong, for example a parachute failing to open, things can go drastically wrong very fast.

YouTuber Anthony Vella had a lucky escape when a crash while flying his motorised paraglider almost killed him, and he has uploaded the footage to his channel.

The 33-year-old was out testing a motorised paraglider and flying over the Enchanted Rock State Park in Texas. He was travelling at speeds of 48 mph when the parachute stopped working.

Vella was sent falling somewhere between 85 and 100 feet down to the ground and was left in agony. But, he was able to call the emergency services using the Siri function on his iPhone.

He didn’t know it at the time, but he had fractured his neck, back and pelvis and completely shattered his right arm.

Warning: the footage could be distressing for some viewers.

Paramotor Crash ALMOST Ended My

The clip began with Vella in a hospital bed explaining that he did not place any blame on the crash on the equipment he was using at the time.

Later, the video showed the moment Vella crashed into the ground after the parachute collapsed and began to scream in agony.

It also captured the moment Vella phoned his wife, explaining: “The glider collapsed and my arm snapped,” adding, “I’m going to be fine, my love, don’t worry.”

Paramedics assessed him at the scene and told him: “Considering you fell out of the sky, you’re doing pretty good.”

Vella explained he would be continuing to document his rehabilitation and says he has no plans to stop paragliding in the future once he has recovered from the accident.

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