
Students surprising their sad teacher with two new kittens will melt your heart

Students surprising their sad teacher with two new kittens will melt your heart

Sometimes, humanity is good. Really good.

Students Ashlei Mahan and Rachel Hanhart felt bad for their teacher, Mrs Andrews, who was mourning the death of her pet cat, which died last week.

So the teenagers at Joshua High School in Texas decided they would make their beloved teacher feel better with cupcakes, flowers and balloons.

Oh, and two brand new kittens. "Are those for me?" Mrs Andrews asks.

Cue internet hysterics.





The video has been re-tweeted over 50,000 times and the responses have ranged from congratulatory...

and appraising just plain emotional

We can't handle the level of cuteness, either.

H/T: Mashable

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