
Nigel Farage is on an anti-EU battlebus and is having an absolute nightmare

Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images
Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

If you didn't know (and we wouldn't blame you if you didn't) Nigel Farage is on a battlebus tour of the UK promoting Brexit.

It's a little, well...

Picture: Christopher Furlong/Getty Images


He's had a couple of hurdles along the way too, such as:

1. His arrival in Dudley aboard an almost completely empty double decker

2. His near-decapitation aboard said double decker near Sheffield

3. When BPop had a few problems after acts found out it was a Brexit concert

4. When his flip flop on a second EU referendum was roundly rubbished by himself



5. When he was accused of massaging the truth a little

6. When he was compared to Enoch Powell for his scaremongering

Just your average week, really!

Picture: NIKLAS HALLE'N/AFP/Getty Images

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