Jessica Brown
Dec 31, 2016

She might not be able to solve murders, but Alexa is still managing to stir up controversy.
The Amazon device, which picks up voices and allows you to control your home with commands, can also give people helpful suggestions an advice - Something YouTuber f0t0b0y and his son discovered shortly after Christmas.
In a video with the caption, “Why!?!? We just got our new echo dot and this happened!?!?”, the young boy talks into the Echo requesting "Digger digger".
What he got instead was a pretty NSFW suggestion:
People’s comments on the video have been a highlight though. One user wrote:
That's it! I'm getting one of those
- Ken Adams
What happens when you sync Alexa with daddy's search history
- Alex Drum
You know that kids gunna say that shit again when the parents ain't around, innocence lost..
- nicholas ringer
A PR rep for Amazon told Mashable;
This issue has been fixed, and we are working to build additional restrictions to prevent this from happening in the future. We have also contacted the customer to apologise.
More: This 6-year-old used her sleeping mum's fingerprints to buy toys on Amazon
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