
AOC criticises Mitch McConnell supporters groping and choking her cutout

Win McNamee/Getty

A group of young men in “Team Mitch” t-shirts have been criticised by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez after a picture of them choking a cardboard cutout of the Democrat congresswoman made its way online.

The photo had been uploaded on Instagram and Twitter before the social media accounts of the men identified by Twitter users were taken down.

Ocasio-Cortez addressed the Senate majority leader on Twitter after seeing the image.

She wrote: “Hey @senatemajldr - these young men look like they work for you.”

Just wanted to clarify: are you paying for young men to practice groping & choking members of Congress w/ your payroll, or is this just the standard culture of #TeamMitch?


The image caused shock online, and people thought it was offensive

Earlier this week another controversial image came out of Team Mitch’s participation at the Fancy Farm picnic.

Another photo showed cardboard gravestones, including one with the name of the Kentucky senator’s Democratic challenger in 2020, Amy McGrath. The campaign tweeted the image under the headline, “The Grim Reaper of Socialism”.

Kevin Golden, a spokesman for the McConnell campaign team, said in a statement that the senator “in no way condones any aggressive, suggestive, or demeaning act toward life-sized cardboard cutouts of any gender”.

He added the men involved were “not campaign staff; they’re high schoolers, and it’s incredible that the national media has sought to once again paint a target on their backs rather than report real, and significant news in our country.”

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