Sophia Ankel
Jan 19, 2019
American radio host Ben Shapiro weighed in on the age old debate: "Would you kill baby Hitler?" at a March for Life rally in Washington DC on Friday, by saying “no pro-life person would kill baby Hitler” because “baby Hitler was a baby”.
Answering a question about the argument that abortion lowers crime rate, the conservative political commentator responded:
The argument, I guess here, is that would you kill baby Hitler? And the truth is that no pro-life person on earth would kill baby Hitler, because baby Hitler wasn’t Hitler, adult Hitler was Hitler. Baby Hitler was a baby.
(Thanks for the clarification Ben).
He continued:
What you presumably want to do with baby Hitler is take baby Hitler out of baby Hitler’s house and move baby Hitler into a better house where he would not grow up to be Hitler, right? That’s the idea.
Sure enough the hashtag #BabyHitler began trending on Twitter, with many users deciding to weigh in on the gripping debate.
Since his speech, several sponsors of his podcast The Ben Shapiro Show decided to pull their ads, with one company saying is did not approve of their ad being "read in a venue we did not endorse".
HT The Hill
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