Andy Gregory
Jul 10, 2019

Leon Neal/Getty Images/Twitter
The fallout from the revelation that Britain’s US ambassador Kim Darroch privately labelled Trump’s administration “inept” just keeps getting nastier.
Donald Trump has since launched not one, but two scathing attacks on Theresa May over her handling of Brexit, forcing British politicians and commentators to choose between supporting a hot-tempered American president and their own ambassador, who was simply doing his job.
When Alastair Campbell took to Twitter to call on Tory leadership hopefuls Boris Johnson and Jeremy Hunt to “express their support for the UK system of diplomacy being greater than the narcissism of one leader”, self-styled “Brexit bad boy” Andy Wigmore waded in.
Taking aim at the "dripping wet lefties" he believes are overrunning the civil service, the Leave.EU comms director said:
...when Boris Johnson gets the top job we will drain the swamp, ridding the [civil service] of types like Kim Darroch.
Blaming the former Labour spin doctor and Tony Blair for "politicising our once independent civil service", Mr Wigmore then went on to call for the dismissal of Kim Darroch - a civil servant bound by impartiality - for providing an honest and critical assessment of a foreign power that did not suit the Brexit campaigner's own political tastes.
Somehow calling on Boris Johnson to "drain the swamp" of the impartial civil service by firing those with a suspected left-wing bias doesn't seem particularly in the spirit of balance and impartiality.
It's also worth noting that the keen Brexit campaigner appeared to be tweeting from Cascais, near the Portuguese capital.
Many on Twitter were keen to point out the disconnects in Mr Wigmore's statement.
While others were more direct.
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