
How the internet reacted to Britain and the EU finally striking a Brexit deal

How the internet reacted to Britain and the EU finally striking a Brexit deal

Brexit feels like it’s been going on for an eternity. But four and a half years on from Britain voting to Leave the EU in 2016, it has finally been announced that a deal has been struck between Britain and the EU.

The road to a deal has not been without its hurdles. Today’s announcement comes after years of extensions and delays, and it looked extremely doubtful a deal would be struck even just a few days ago.

Although we don’t know the exact details of the deal yet, we know that it will see the UK leave the EU’s Single Market. We also know that fishing waters and competition rules were among the final issues to be resolved.

The news of a deal is likely to be a relief to businesses across the country. Now it will be voted on in parliament on 30 December, where it is expected to pass, before coming into effect on the following day if all goes to plan.

Prime minister Boris Johnson posted a jubilant photo on Twitter to mark the announcement. Addressing the nation, he hailed the deal as “historic” and said that it “takes back control” of Britain’s borders, laws and trade.

Politicians from across the political spectrum gave their thoughts on the news.

Some commentators who are passionate believers in Brexit felt emotional.

And others who dislike Brexit felt quite sad and angry about the news.

Brexit elicits such fervent reactions from both Leavers and Remainers that it’s unlikely the passion on both sides will die down any time soon.

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