Two brothers from Co Londonderry have spoken of going sky high on the other side of the world in a bid to fundraise for a charity which supported their mother.
Sean O’Kane, 25, and his brother Eoghan, 24, have raised almost £9,000 for the charity Marie Curie on the 20th anniversary of their mother Martina’s death.
The brothers were young children when their mother died from cancer at the age of 37 on November 20 2003.
She was nursed at home by Marie Curie.
She has missed so much of our family’s milestones so to have been able to do this and to raise money for Marie Curie who looked after her so well is really something
Sean O’Kane
Eoghan, an electrician, moved to Sydney in June with his girlfriend, where Sean, an actuary, joined him for the fundraising skydive.
“It was a great buzz to do the skydive and really exciting as it was something we hadn’t done before,” Sean said.
“It was also very emotional for us just before and after we jumped, just thinking of Mummy as we were doing it in her memory.
“Mummy’s 20th anniversary is a very special anniversary for us as a family as my sister Naomh is expecting our family’s first grandchild and we know how happy she would have been about that.
“She has missed so much of our family’s milestones so to have been able to do this and to raise money for Marie Curie who looked after her so well is really something.”
Eoghan said: “We will remember and honour Mummy as a family on her anniversary, just as we have done every year since I can remember.
“We keep her memory alive for us all by getting together surrounded by family and friends on her anniversary and on special family occasions.”
Their aunt, and mother’s sister, Sandra Kelly, from Belfast, said their mother would be proud of all four of her children.
Sean O’Kane (left) and his brother Eoghan (right), have raised almost £9,000 for Marie Curie on the 20th anniversary of their mother’s death (Marie Curie/PA)
“When Sean and Eoghan told me they were doing the skydive, I thought it was a very courageous thing to do,” she said.
“I’m honoured to be their aunty and thrilled they completed the skydive. Martina would be the proudest mother in the world of all four of her children, now 20 years later.”
The family raised just over £70,000 for Marie Curie from a gala dance to mark the first anniversary of Martina’s death, and also raised more than £7,000 for Marie Curie to mark the 10th anniversary.
The charity recently launched its Christmas appeal, Give Care, Comfort and Joy.
Details on making a donation can be found at www.mariecurie.org.uk.