
Captain Tom's daughter has become a meme again and risks ruining her father's legacy

Captain Tom's daughter has become a meme again and risks ruining her father's legacy
July 2021: Family of Captain Sir Tom Moore intend to continue his …

The daughter of Captain Tom Moore, who became one of the most significant figures of the pandemic in the UK has been in the news once again after being accused of using her father’s charity name for a spa and pool complex at her home.

Sir Tom raised nearly £39 million for NHS Charities Together by walking laps of his garden.

However, Hannah Ingram-Moore and her husband, Colin Ingram-Moore, were accused of using her war veteran father’s charity name to construct a spa and pool complex at their home in Bedfordshire.

The original planning application stated that they wanted to build an office for The Captain Tom Foundation, but the building plan ended up being a 50ft by 20ft pool house complete with changing rooms, toilets and showers, The Sun reports.

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The application was completed under the Ingram-Moore’s names but referenced the Captain Tom Foundation as part of the design and access and heritage statement.

“We can confirm that a planning application was received in August 2021 for the ‘Erection of detached single storey building for use by the occupiers of the Old Rectory and Captain Tom Foundation’. This was approved”, a Central Bedfordshire Council spokesperson told The Independent.

“In February 2022 we subsequently received a retrospective planning application for a ‘Part retrospective erection of detached single storey building (revised proposals)’. This was refused.

“An enforcement notice requiring the demolition of the now unauthorised building was issued and this is now subject to an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.”

After the news emerged this week, Hannah Ingram-Moore has become a meme again (after first going viral over accusations of mismanagement of the funds raised back in 2022) and has been accused of damaging her father’s legacy.

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