Louis Dor
Jan 18, 2017

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Coffee could help prevent chronic inflation as you age.
This is a very useful bit of information, given that chronic inflammation is associated with 90 per cent of all noncommunicable diseases of ageing.
Papers consistently show that chronic inflammation contributes to many cancers, dementia, cardiovascular diseases, Alzheimer's, osteoarthritis and depression.
Caffeine intake is associated with lower activation levels of this type of systemic inflammation.
In short, drinking caffeine could help you live longer and is linked with less chance of chronic inflammation.
In the most recent study by Stanford Immunologists, published in Nature Medicine, researchers conducted an analysis of blood samples, in tandem with medical and family histories.
They found that a fundamental inflammatory mechanism associated with ageing and chronic diseases becomes more likely to kick in as you age.
The study found that older people with low levels of this type of inflammation were only one-eighth as likely as the high-level older people to have high blood pressure.
They were also eight times more likely to report having a close relative who lived over the age of 90.
The people with the lowest activation levels of this type of inflammation reported the highest caffeine intake.
Bottoms up!
More: The science that proves why coffee is basically the best thing ever
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