
Show this incredible graphic to anyone who is complaining about staying indoors

Show this incredible graphic to anyone who is complaining about staying indoors

Now – more than ever – it’s important to heed the advice of the government and stay home in order to halt the spread of coronavirus.

It comes about after Boris Johnson announced a UK-wide lockdown on Monday night that means everyone must stay at home for the next three weeks or risk a fine.

The only exceptions to this are:

  • Shopping
  • One form of exercise a day
  • Any medical need
  • Travelling to and from work - only when necessary

Self-isolation works but just in case you needed a visual representation of exactly how, we’ve got you covered.

This incredibly helpful gif explains the spread of coronavirus if everyone goes about their day normally as opposed to people breaking the chain of infection by staying home:

The reactions to the gif were pure amazement:

People then responded with other helpful gifs, photos and videos:

So don’t risk it, just stay home.

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