Louis Staples
Feb 21, 2019

We don’t say this often, but before you read any further, you might want to get a box of tissues at the ready.
Seriously, do it right now, because the most heart-breaking thing on the internet has been discovered.
Despite so much awful stuff happening on a seemingly daily basis, it seems that the world of make believe has concocted something so sad that we’re not sure how to cope with it.
Twitter user @bryanfadriquela shared a tweet about the 2009 Disney Pixar film Up.
The tweet shows that, after years of the protagonist Carl’s wife Ellie tying his tie for him, Carl wore a bow tie to her funeral. Bryan has theorised that this must be because he can’t tie his own tie, because she always did it for him.
The tweet, which has more than 130,000 likes on Twitter in just a few short days, sent the internet into hysteria.
Twitter collectively sobbed at the theory.
We did warn you...
More: Marvel: Avengers 4 director appears to confirm popular fan theory

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