Indy100 Staff
Apr 11, 2017

Drew Angerer/Getty Images
On 31 March 2017, the White House began releasing White House staffers' financial disclosures to individuals who requested them.
However, they did not make the information publicly available.
ProPublica, the Associated Press and the New York Times indexed the publications in a Google Drive folder, while the Center for Public Integrity made the information searchable.
In the drive folder, 88 files have been received to date, and around 80 have still not yet been released, including President Trump's and Vice-President Mike Pence's.
Donald Trump is not required to submit a financial disclosure as president until May in 2018, the same of which is true for Vice-President Pence, both of whom filed financial disclosures during Trump's campaign.
Donald Trump has yet to release his tax returns, unlike Pence.
The Obama administration released their reports in the first week of April, in 2009, also in the president's tenth week in office.
Already released were the disclosures of Steve Bannon, Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, which found that Ivanka Trump and Kushner are holding onto a portfolio of $240 million in assets.
Kushner resigned some 260 entities and sold off 58 businesses and investments that lawyers singled out as potential conflicts of interest.
HT ProPublica
More: Nearly three quarters of Americans want to see Trump's tax returns
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