
Eric Trump said they should invoke 'Article 25' against Biden. Article 25 doesn't exist


Eric Trump has appeared on Fox News to hype up his father's chances of winning the 2020 election and claimed that if the president was acting like Joe Biden the government would have to invoke 'Article 25.'

The 36-year-old appeared on the network after Biden steamed ahead of Bernie Sanders in the Democratic primaries after he won votes in Washington, Missouri, Mississippi, Idaho and North Dakota.

Despite him now seemingly in pole position for the Democrats, Biden's campaign has been dogged with problems and gaffes that would have left many candidates red-faced.

One of the most recent incidents saw Biden accuse an auto worker of being 'full of s**t' after he was quizzed on his thoughts on gun control.

According to Eric Trump, this type of behaviour should be of great concern to the Biden campaign and if his dad was doing the same thing they would be calling for him to be removed from office.

I don't know what is going on with Biden, but it is not looking good. There is something off there, and how many gaffes can you make every single day?

If the roles were reversed -- if my father were making the same gaffes as he was, they would literally invoke Article 25 of the...they would try and remove him from office.

For some reason, they think [Biden's gaffes are] cute, and the media gives him a total pass for it. It makes me wonder.

Trump's assessment of Biden is his own opinion but if you are going to criticise someone for making gaffes, you best make sure that you don't make a gaffe as well.

Unfortunately for Eric, that's exactly what he did as 'Article 25' doesn't exist in the slightest. What he was trying to say was appears to be 'Amendment 25' of the Constitution, which says that if the president is no longer fit or able to do their job then the powers are transferred to the vice president.

Trump's gaffe has already been viewed more than 400,000 times on Twitter and people have been more than happy to revel in his embarrassing error.

Sigh...the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree.

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