Narjas Zatat
Aug 02, 2019

Lionel Bonaventure/AFP/Getty
Greta Thunberg has hit back at an Australian columnist after he called her “disturbing” in a News Corp column about the young climate change activist.
Columnist Andrew Bolt penned an opinion piece about the 16-year-old, in which he wrote:
As the deeply disturbed Greta Thunberg spreads her climate panic, we should ask why so many world leaders are listening to her.
In response to her being called “disturbed,” Greta tweeted an image of the article, writing:
I am indeed ”deeply disturbed” about the fact that these hate and conspiracy campaigns are allowed to go on and on and on just because we children communicate and act on the science. Where are the adults?
Bolt, who writes for the Herald Sun and has often appeared on Sky News as a commentator, used his platform as acolumnist for the Australian title to attack the 16-year-old campaigner. He likened her followers to cult members and criticised her decision to sail across the Atlantic in a racing yacht to attend the UN climate summits in the US and Chile.
MORE: Six times protest teen Greta Thunberg was brutally honest about climate change
“Thunberg has announced she’s finally going to the United States, the last bastion of the heathen, to preach the global warming faith to the Americans,” Bolt wrote in the scathing column.
Of course, she’s going by racing yacht, because she refuses to fly and heat the planet with an aeroplane’s global warming gasses.
Bolt went on to call her a “Messianic figure…and not in a good way.”
That typical refusal to compromise is guaranteed to help create another round of frantic media hype for Thunberg, who is one of the most astonishing Messianic figures in world history — and I don’t mean that in a good way.
I have never seen a girl so young and with so many mental disorders treated by so many adults as a guru.
Others came to Thunberg’s defence
People are encouraging Greta to "Just ignore it"
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