
How to lose a job offer in one easy step on the internet

How to lose a job offer in one easy step on the internet

If you’re lucky enough to be offered not just one but two jobs, you may well find yourself dithering over which to choose. Most of us would seek advice from friends and family; or why not ask the internets?

One engineer did just that, taking to question and answer portal Quora to weigh up the pros and cons of job offers at start-up companies Uber and Zenefits in San Francisco.

Uber, he mused, had a “really good reputation” which would help him on the career ladder to places such as Google. While Zenefits wasn’t as much of a “buzzword” company as Uber, it seemed like a nicer place to work.

Unfortunately CEO at Zenefits Parker Conrad noticed the engineer’s question - and quickly made the decision for him (Conrad's answer has since been deleted but, as Quartz points out, it's been preserved it in this screenshot):

Consider this your friendly reminder about posting publicly on the internet.

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