Anita Sanz
Sep 26, 2017

Taking care of our mental health is just as important as exercising, and promoting of our physical health. It was perhaps for this reason that Quora users recently asked for advice on the mental health symptoms you should never ignore - psychologist Anita Sanz shared her thoughts.
There are hundred of symptoms which can indicate a mental health issue is developing, but it can be difficult to know when to pay attention to them and when they are not a concern.
Here is a relatively simple way to be able to assess whether you are experiencing mental health symptoms which you should not ignore and for which you may want to seek help.
First, these are the five general aspects of your life where you would be most likely to notice difficulties:
Sex drive
These five areas are highly affected by fluctuations in stress, hormones, physical health and illness, trauma, and genetic predispositions toward mental health issues. Often problems in any of these areas can affect a person’s behavior and ability to function cognitively, emotionally, socially, and physically.
To assess for mental health symptoms that you should not ignore, look for these 5 things within those five areas above:
1. Extremes: For example, mood or energy too high or too low, appetite out of control or non-existent, sleeping all the time or only a few hours, hyperactive sex drive or non-existent.
2. Rapid shifts: Mood alternates between high, low, or normal rapidly. Sleep is unpredictable and shifts between insomnia and hypersomnia quickly.
3. Abnormality: Something about your symptoms in the particular area is very different from how you normally are, or you believe it is simply not normal.
4. Dysfunctionality: It is preventing you from functioning normally in some important area of your life (work, school, home, personal life, relationships).
5. Concern: Others close to you are expressing concern about your habits, presentation, or behavior. You may not always be able to assess the first 4 things on this list accurately if there is a mental health issue occurring, so it pays to listen to those close to you and ask why they are concerned.
If you are feeling vulnerable, upset or depressed there is always someone available to talk and help.
You can contact the Samaritans 24-hours a day for free via their website or phone line 116123
If you're LGBTQI and in need of someone to talk to, Switchboard LGBT offer advice and help every day from 10am to 10pm on their website and on 0300 330 0630
Alternatively, if you suspect a young person might need help, you can call Childlinefor help and advice on 0800 111
This article originally appeared on Quora
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