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Wil Jones
Jan 15, 2017

YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images/ Twitter
This is former Mexican President Vicente Fox Quesada.
He was in office from 2000 to 2006.
Despite having left the post nearly a decade ago, Fox remains a vital voice we need to listen to.
Because he calls out Donald Trump almost daily on Twitter.
He first got the world’s attention when he replied to Trump’s claim that Mexico would reimburse the US for the cost of building his notorious border wall.
Double points for the elegant use of accented swearing there.
But that was hardly the first time he's called out Trump.
He's questioned his legitimacy after not winning the popular vote.
He's weighed in on Russian hacking.
He has schooled Trump on international trade agreements.
And the auto industry.
And globalisation.
He doesn't hold back.
But deep down, he's preaching a message of hope and tolerance.
Plus he looks good in a cowboy hat.
Picture: YURI CORTEZ/AFP/Getty Images
He's the hero we need right now.
More: Mexico’s former president told Trump that they're not paying for his 'f*****g wall'
More: This Mexican magazine gave Donald Trump's face the perfect makeover