The Muslim Council of Britain – representing hundreds of thousands of Muslims nationally, were amongst the first to condemn the "cowardly and depraved" terror attack in London that left four people – including a policeman – dead.
Harun Khan, the group’s Secretary General said:
There is no justification for this act whatsoever
Additionally, #NotInMyName was used by Muslims on Twitter to simultaneously offer support to the victims of the attack, and reiterate that most Muslims did not prescribe to the brand of Islam those terrorists operated under.
However, some people think Muslims aren't doing enough to denounce Isis.
In the wake of the November 13 Paris attacks, right-wing Fox pundit Sean Hannity said:
Moderate Muslims don’t speak out enough against the hijacking of their religion.
Well, to those who think Muslims aren’t doing enough...
Nineteen-year-old Heraa Hashmi, an American Muslim student at the University of Colorado has something for you.
During a discussion with a man about the Crusades, he told her the following:
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims.
This is not the case. Nope, not really.
The man then claimed that not enough Muslims were speaking out against it.
Using Google spreadsheets, she made a “712-page list of Muslims condemning things with sources”.
You can even sort the list by individual, organisation and location.
The list includes hundreds of different types of people – from regular Muslim citizens to politicians and academics.
It’s very extensive.
We don't expect Christians to condemn the KKK especially, so it's curious that some expect Muslims to denounce Islamist terror.
Especially when you consider that Muslims are actually the largest victims of terrorism - Isis kills more Muslims than any other group.
Regardless, Hashmi will continue to update the list with more names.
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