
People are loving Charlotte Church's reaction to Nigel Farage's resignation

Picture: Zak Kaczmarek/Getty
Picture: Zak Kaczmarek/Getty

Monday didn't mark the first time singer and recently-turned activist Charlotte Church has had things to say about politics.

Church has marched in several protests against austerity cuts, performed at a fundraising event for Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and has called David Cameron a "chauvinist" in the past.

Nigel Farage's resignation as Ukip leader has ignited a firestorm of criticism and debate on social media, after he said he had “wanted his life back” following over twenty years of campaigning for the UK to leave the European Union.

Well. Church's unsympathetic response seems to have struck a chord with Remainers. (WARNING: it's quite sweary.)

More: Nigel Farage has said 'the real me will come out' now he's resigned and people are terrifed by what that means

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