Piers Morgan, in one of his rare excursions away from the dark side, has branded white supremacist terrorists “brainwashed monsters”.
Sharing a Daily Mail article about the German massacre in which nine people lost their lives, the Good Morning Britain host wrote:
HORRIFIC... Call this what it is: a terrorist attack. If this had been an Islamist, it would be getting a lot more attention. Yet far-right terrorism by white supremacists is becoming just as big a scourge on the world as ISIS etc. We need to root out these brainwashed monsters.
This is an important point, and we often see people modify their language when discussing such an incident based entirely on the race of the perpetrator. Morgan might not always show shrewd judgement but even a stopped clock is right twice a day and this was a point worth making.
On Wednesday, 43-year-old Tobias Rathjen shot nine people in Germany after writing a manifesto which was filled with far-right, eugenicist and racist views.
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