
The United Nations Security Council discussed gay rights for the first time ever

The United Nations Security Council held its first ever meeting focusing on LGBT rights this week.

Isis attacks carried out on gay people in its territories in Syria and Iraq were at the forefront of the agenda, with several survivors of homophobic witchhunts sharing their stories with diplomats. One man, identified only as Adnan, told members via a secure telephone line:

In my society, being gay means death and when Isis kills gays most people are happy because they think we are evil, and Isis gets a good credit for that.

My own family turned against me when Isis was after me... If Isis didn't get me, members of my family would have done it.

Adnan said Isis militants hunt down gay people through checking mobile phones and Facebook contacts of people they capture for 'gay networks'.

This year Isis has executed at least four men accused of being gay by throwing them off buildings. When one man survived the fall, he was stoned to death by onlookers.

Speaking to reporters, US Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said:

It's about time, 70 years after the creation of the UN, that the fate of LGBT persons who fear for their lives around the world is taking centre stage... This represents a small but historic step.

All 193 member states were invited to the open meeting, which was hosted by the US and Chile.

Of the 15 security council members, only Chad and Angola did not attend.

More from The Independent**: Isis militants embrace 'gay' men before 'stoning them to death in public' in Syria

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