
Preston, Coventry and Middlesbrough top the list of Britain's unhealthiest high streets

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(Stock image: Getty

Preston, Middlesbrough and Coventry have been named as having the unhealthiest high streets in Britain.

A league table ranking 70 major towns and cities on the extent to which they encourage healthy choices, promote social interaction, provide access to health advice and promote positive mental well-being has been released by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH).

These are the 10 unhealthiest high streets in Britain:

1. Preston

2. Middlesbrough

3. Coventry

4. Blackpool

5. Northampton

6. Wolverhampton

7. Grimsby

8. Huddersfield

9. Stoke-on-Trent

10. Eastbourne

In contrast, RSPH found that Shrewsbury, Ayr and Salisbury were the healthiest because of their high concentrations of pharmacies, health centres, museums, art galleries, leisure centres and libraries.

These are the 10 healthiest high streets in Britain:

1. Shrewsbury

2. Ayr

3. Salisbury

4. Perth

5. Hereford

6. Carlisle

7. Cambridge

8. Cheltenham

9. York

10. Bristol

More: These are the least healthy cities in Britain

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