
Someone has made a video about IDS and it's one of the weirdest things you'll ever see

The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, Iain Duncan Smith, has been depicted in probably the weirdest video montage you’ll see today.

The video, released as the Welfare Reform and Work Bill goes through parliament, is set to Will.I.Am’s ‘Fantastic’.

It depicts interviews and panels involving the Tory cabinet MP, in which he faces particularly tough allegations to the effects of his welfare cuts.

And, well, this…

In its own way, it’s absolutely glorious.

The statistics cited at the end of the video are mostly cited from the TUC website and government annual reports.

The video was released ahead of the Welfare Reform and Work Bill being debated in parliament on Monday. The legislation aims to, among other things, cut housing assistance for young people, reduce the welfare cap, abolish child poverty targets and cut child tax credits.

Watch the video for yourself below:

More:The opposition is not going to um oppose the government's Welfare Bill

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