
This 14-year-old's impressions of Obama, Clinton, Trump and Sanders are brilliant

Picture: Ralph Freso/Getty
Picture: Ralph Freso/Getty

The US presidential race doesn't have to be all doom and gloom.

At least, that's what 14-year-old Chicago student Jack Aiello thinks - and it's why he used his middle school graduation speech to inject much-needed humour into politics by doing impressions of Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Ted Cruz, Bernie Sanders and outgoing president Barack Obama.

To call the impressions 'amazing' is an understatement. He manages to get both the politician's mannerisms and content down pat in the speech on behalf of his graduating class:

Donald Trump's flamboyant hand movements and coherency...

Hello, and congratulations you are now getting to hear a speech from the magnificent Donald Trump and let me just tell you Thomas [Middle School] has been such a great school, quite frankly it's been fantastic...

I love China (ed: 'CHYNAAAAH'). I love China. I mean, I have so many terrific friends in China.

As Ted Cruz, God blesses everything

Let me start by saying this: God bless the great school of Thomas.

Obama's umm-ing and ahh-ing

Uh... I'd just like to start off by thanking our excellent principal... uh... he's done a terrific job.

I even remember how one of the Hawaiian songs go... 'I want to go back to my little grass hut' ...Aloha to that!

Hillary Clinton's roboticness:


Bernie Sanders representing the downtrodden, calls for revolution...

Let me start with the lunches... they are delicious... some of the best cinnamon rolls I've ever tasted!

I do have one improvement... we need to make them free! What we need is a cinammon roll revolution.

Jack's father, John, told ABC News:

He's always been good with impressions, so while watching along with his mom and I, he picked up phrases and mannerisms of the candidates.

Aiello might well be the next Trevor Noah.

You can watch the video, below:

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