
This video perfectly captures the responses to the Ray Rice scandal

This NFL inspired make up tutorial from Megan MacKay would be funny if it weren't so close to the bone.

Starting off with the line "I'm using a new shade [of foundation] I just got, called The NFL', I really like this colour, because it'll cover up anything", MacKay addresses both the Ray Rice domestic violence scandal and how the American football league responded to footage of the Baltimore Ravens player knocking out his then-fiancée Janay in a lift.

When you put on a wedding ring, the guy can do anything he wants to you -- and it's automatically your fault. Say he knocked you out cold in an elevator and then everyone found out about it. And people started blaming you, because you put on the wedding ring, so you were kind of asking for it, you know?

The video came after Miss America contestants were asked what they thought about Janay Rice's decision to stand by her now husband Ray Rice "as a woman" and as another make-up inspired anti-NFL stunt went viral on Twitter.

Mashable report this photo shopped Cover Girl advert comes from those opposed to NFL head Roger Goodell.

H/T Jezebel

More: The whole, shameful story of the NFL’s domestic abuse scandal

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