The UK’s “loneliest degu” has finally found love after facing a series of rejections from fellow rodents.
Three-year-old Greg was left feeling lonely after his friend Charlie had to be put to sleep shortly after they both arrived at the Blue Cross rehoming centre in Burford, Oxfordshire, in November.
Degus are sociable animals and get stressed when kept alone, so Greg was introduced to two other degus by Blue Cross and fell in love with them – but the feelings were not reciprocated.
But after a Valentine’s Day appeal discerning matchmaker Natalie Curry read about Greg’s loveless plight and has matched him with her own lonely degu, Sophie.
“We were looking for a new partner for our degu Sophie as she lost her partner last year to old age and had become depressed,” said Ms Curry, who lives in Cheltenham with her partner Jordan Hubbard.
Ms Curry said she had wanted to find Sophie a new companion but did not want to rush the process as they were seeking the “perfect match for her”.
She applied to adopt Greg and following his move into their home, she reports that “he and Sophie are very much in love!”.
Hannah Wiltshire, rehoming manager at Blue Cross Burford, said that Greg was very “subdued” after losing his companion and she was “delighted to have found him a new love”.
“Degus, like many small animals such as rabbits and guinea pigs, really don’t cope well on their own,” said Ms Wiltshire.
“We had noticed Greg was very subdued after losing his companion, so we’re delighted to have found him a new love and to see him and Sophie getting on so well together.”