Narjas Zatat
Sep 17, 2018

Residents of a small town in US’s Midwest are less than pleased after the launch of a newspaper.
Their beef? Well, the name of the publication is a little dodgy.
It’s called the Uranus Examiner, named after the town.
Cue all of the butt jokes.
The mayor of Waynesville, a neighbouring town, has decided that he doesn’t like the funny name, and has threatened to boycott the weekly paper.
Mayor Luge Hardman told
No. I’m sorry. But the innuendo of that title puts the city up for public ridicule.
Darrell Todd Maurina, owner of Pulaski County Daily News, adds: "That name does not indicate a serious newspaper."
Yes it does, says Natalie Sanders, the managing director of the Uranus Examiner.
It’s a serious newspaper. No one’s going to forget this name.
She says she wants to "fill the void" in local news coverage.
"I’m sorry but we’re not changing the name," she insists.
The Mayor of Uranus, Louie Keen, fully backs the name.
The newspaper was launched at a Chamber of Commerce luncheon. Sanders said:
It's a weekly. It'll come out, we're thinking Thursdays, although the production schedule isn't set yet because we just decided this and we're still working out the kinks.
The first issue will be printed at the end of October and will be delivered to the mailboxes of the town’s 15,000 residents, free of charge.
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