Joe Vesey-Byrne
Aug 24, 2017

Ralph Freso/Getty Images
On Tuesday President Donald Trump reiterated his commitment to building a wall on the border with Mexico.
Constructing the wall as a physical block on immigration was one of his signature campaign promises, but after taking office the policy has become mired in red tape and concerns over the cost.
Deficit hawks have also opposed the wall for reasons of fiscal conservatism.
At a rally in Phoenix, Arizona the President said he would 'close' the government if the wall was not built.
And we are building a wall on the southern border, which is absolutely necessary... Now, the obstructionist Democrats would like us not to do it. But believe me, if we have to close down our government, we’re building that wall.
Arizona is a border state with Mexico. In response, House Speaker Paul Ryan said at a press conference in Hillsboro, Oregon:
I don’t think it's in anyone’s interested in having a shutdown. I don’t think it’s in our interest to do so. I don’t think you have to choose between the two.
The recommitment to the wall policy is likely a semaphore to Trump supporters who may have been disheartened by the firing of chief strategist Steve Bannon the previous Friday.
Bannon was the architect of anti-globalist, 'Make America Great Again' campaign promises, such as the border wall.
In addition to this, the Trump administration is seeking to make further changes to the immigration system, following the earlier fumbles with executive orders - branded the 'Muslim ban' - which cost the White House considerable political capital.
At the beginning of August, the administration proposed new rules that would favour applicants who already speak English.
The bill (the 'Raise Act'), if made law, would introduce points based system for immigration applicants.
White House advisor Stephen Miller, illuminated other factors in an immigrant's application that would earn them points.
Can they support themselves and their families financially? Do they have a skill that will add to the U.S. economy? Are they being paid a high wage?
As highlighted in the Independent, had these policies existed, Donald Trump's own grandfather Friedrich Trumpf, a migrant from Germany in 1895, would not have been granted access to the United States.
Becoming an American citizen, already requires applicants pass an exam (which is in English and must be passed in English).
The test is one component of the process of naturalisation (becoming a US citizen).
The exam contains civics questions, which most applicants need to score at least 60 per cent to pass.
Usually the civics test is an oral exam conducted with an official from the US Citizenship and Immigration Services, who will ask 10 questions from a list of 100.
Potential citizens will have been given the 100 questions and their answers to study ahead of the taking the test.
After President Trump was declared the winner of the 2016 election, indy100 created this quiz, based on questions from the CIS.
The questions come from the official civics test, but some of the multiple choice options are our own:
More: Show this to people who say Obama started the 'Muslim' travel ban​
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