
Why employers could be throwing away your CV

Why employers could be throwing away your CV

Four out of 10 employers admit they have thrown away CVs because they do not understand the qualifications candidates have, research reveals.

Job seekers are putting off potential employers by using acronyms and flowery language to describe their qualifications, according to the survey by City & Guilds. The body yesterday launched a new qualification to reduce confusion and help candidates stand out from the crowd.

Of the 1,000 employers questioned, 57 per cent said they found acronyms on CVs confusing and almost two-thirds said they had to look them up on the internet. The same percentage said they believed candidates who use jargon on their CVs do it to cover up a lack of skills or qualifications.

A worrying 95 per cent of employers from small, medium and large businesses were unable to identify the most advanced qualification from a list including BTEC and NVQ, while 44 per cent did not know that BA stands for Bachelor of Arts.

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